Sunday, January 29, 2012

G-Train (Unknown)

G-train was a former member of LMG Mafia. I don't know how he got killed but he was killed back in 1999. If anyone has more info let me know. RIP G-Train.


  1. he was one of the most feared men of the area the police never stopped him if he could not take big risks he was most well respected because if something fails then he killed or sent
    his death was so '
    he was alone in a bar or disco club
    was in a jeep and two men appeared and he began to run and he were behind him and began firing shots about it enclusiva in various parts of it eventually le sending a shot in pescoso
    his funeral was a funeral that people had never seen in life
    there were police cars bikes of swat police had police helicopters atirtadores shrubs and more because the police feared that there reataliacoes
    and so the story of G-TRAIN


  3. The most feared man in memphis in the 90's.. He was untouchable and thr police feared him so the memphis gang unit killed him because the lemoyne gardens mafia was about to be a vice lord branch

  4. Death is real as it gets. Mad love Train.

  5. That the truth u never lied on that RIP

  6. that the truth u never lied RIP

  7. Didn't know dude from LMG was a rapper. Wow. Rest easy, G-Train.

  8. I'm from LMG. HE was killed in 99 at HEADQUARTERS (a local hood club founded by members of LMG Mafia)
    Near an area formerly known in South Memphis ,TN LeMoyne Garden Projects Housing Complex. He died a Real G. And is a real testament to our fellow LMG DWELLERS. Put some respect on TRAIN name MANE. THE Father Of LMG MAFIA. MAD LOVE 12-13-7

  9. Rip g train !!! Southside loves you!!
